Kluck Family

I've moved back into my office

I am exhausted. I moved back into my office today after they installed the carpet. We each had to put a diagram on our door to let the movers know where the furniture went. We were told that if we wanted to re-arrange our office, this was the time to do it as the movers would do the work for us.

Well, I had thought long and hard about re-arranging my office because it has been the same for 2 years, but I decided against it. When I got in today, and saw the arrangement, I got some ideas of how I could change it so away I went.

To see the old office, go here: http://personal.stthomas.edu/clkluck/office/2003. I’ll get new pictures up when I can.

They are also digging a big hole outside in the parking lot. Supposedly they are installing bunker-like rooms underground for the electrical system. Four are going in across campus and they each are supposed to be the size of a small house’s basement. I’ll have to get some pictures of that up too.

work | needs-pictures |

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