Kluck Family

46.6 days old

Our little guy is now 46.6 days old! He smiles, plays with his plastic keys, looks at mobiles, and plays with his floor gym. He still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night for feedings. Sometimes he lasts 4 or 5 hours, but not too often. He went through

The Little Guy's First Smile

Okay, so I have to get into this blogging thing as my husband is completely obsessed with it. I called him yesterday to tell him that the little guy smiled his first true smile back at me and what does he say? "You should really blog that!" So, here

Vacation Day

Little guy didn't sleep last night (literally) either Amy or I was up for hours with him trying to entertain him or rock him to sleep. He never slept. Amy did most of the work though, and drained the batteries in the swing. I got really frustrated la

3 Weeks

Our Little Bundle of Joy is now 3 weeks old today! This last weekend my mother came up with my Aunt Judy from Nebraska. They stayed just a short while, and my mother didn't want to let him out of her arms. She really wanted to take him home with her

2 Week Check-up

Our Boy is 2 weeks old now and received his first check-up. He is now 21 3/4 in long, 9 pounds 3 ounces, and his head is 15 inches in circumference. He is doing well. He also had his hearing checked. He failed in the hospital, they think there is flu

Almost Two Weeks

Our Little Bundle of Joy goes in for his 2 week check up on Tuesday. He seems to be adjusting well to life outside of the womb, though Amy and I are sometimes worried about if we are doing things right. I've gone back to work, partial days, and have

1 Week Old

It's hard to believe that our little guy is already a week old. It doesn't seem that long. We are now used to the idea of having shifts in the middle of the night to take care of feeding and rocking to sleep--though we are not used to the actions its

Movement and Signs

Some of these movements every baby makes within their first week, some are just reactions and not real smiles or meaningful movements, but I'm going to list them all here so that you can get a feel for how our little guy acts around the house. Cryin

Some sort of routine

We will never be back to normal, and it will be a while before we establish some sort of routine, but we are on a two hour feeding schedule and he does cry at night for a while. But we can get him to sleep for four hours between 6 and 10 am. He did w

Who does he look like?

We are having a few sleepless nights but think we are getting the hang of it. We feel that we learn one trick to making him happy, but it soon wears out. Right now he sleeps the longest if he naps beside mommy and daddy. So who does he look like? Her

Going home today

We will be discharged later this afternoon. We can't wait to get home with our little bundle of joy (OLBOJ) and see Buddy too. We gave her lots of food when we left early Monday morning, but didn't think we'd be gone this long. She may have kicked he

Baby has arrived!

It's a boy! He was born at 12:21 AM January 9th. He was 21 1/2 inches long He weighed 8 pounds 7.5 ounces. 23 hours from water breaking to delivery! We are going to sleep now, it's been a long day!

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